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Spinney Hills

Love Clean Streets

We love our city for many reasons. We have an amazing cultural scene, award winning parks and open spaces, and of course the historical last days, burial site and tomb of King Richard III - the list is endless.

But we really love Leicester for its people, and that's why we're reaching out to them and others beyond to help us make our city even better for everyone.

Do your bit

Have you spotted an environmental issue and wish to report it? Take a photo and report it using our Love Clean Streets app or website. It's free and simple to use and your problem can be logged in seconds.

If the problem is on public land, we'll get onto it quickly. Problems on private property will take us longer to fix.

How does it work?

  1. Report it - Take a picture of the problem and upload it using the app/website. You can tag the location and include other details so we can fix the issue quickly.
  2. Fix it - When you submit your report the details and picture will be sent to the right team who can fix the problem.

Report it online

Or you can create an account on this website and report issues.