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Near 21 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE

Leicester - Troon Ward


Im getting rather fed up and frustrated, again and again without fail the same parking issues continues to occur without fail. It’s getting to the pinillear a struggle to walk between the car and the fence. There are multiple cars parked with all 4 wheel on the pavement. There are cars parked infant of driveway access clearly infant of a dropped kerb. To be this inconsiderate is either stupid or just careless. Other people live In this area. Wheelchair access might swell be a thing of the past a


21/02/2025 23:03
Visible to public
Illegal parking
Closed We’ve investigated the situation. The case has been closed. There would appear to be no offence taking place that we can enforce against, but if you consider it a danger, please report the matter to the Police for investigation. Thank you for using Love Leicester.
Yes On 22/02/2025 11:32
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We’ve investigated the situation.

The case has been closed.  There would appear to be no offence taking place that we can enforce against, but if you consider it a danger, please report the matter to the Police for investigation.

Thank you for using Love Leicester.
-21 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE 22/02/2025 11:32 We’ve investigated the situation. The case has been closed. There would appear to be no offence taking place that we can enforce against, but if you consider it a danger, please report the matter to the Police for investigation. Thank you for using Love Leicester.

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(date format: dd/mm/yyyy)
This car was parked all day Friday. With the bins and fly tipping, disability access is blocked. -27 Oxford Road, Leicester, LE2 1TN
22/02/2025 11:22 This car was parked all day Friday. With the bins and fly tipping, disability access is blocked.
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Sat 22/2/2025 about 11am. White van   Has been parking on the corner of Lancaster Street and Green Lane road for the past couple of days and is causing a lot of problems I.e. obstructing the view for turning right or left onto Green Lane Road and taking a big part of the pavement away- this is very dangerous and annoying plus no traffic warden to be seen.
-121 Lancaster Street, Leicester, LE5 4GD
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22/02/2025 11:08 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Untaxed vehicle -17 Plymouth Drive, Leicester, LE5 5NN
 Report Completed
22/02/2025 10:16 We’ve investigated the situation. The case has been closed. There would appear to be no offence taking place that we can enforce against, but if you consider it a danger, please report the matter to the Police for investigation. Thank you for using Love Leicester.
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Im getting rather fed up and frustrated, again and again without fail the same parking issues continues to occur without fail. It’s getting to the pinillear a struggle to walk between the car and the fence. There are multiple cars parked with all 4 wheel on the pavement. There are cars parked infant of driveway access clearly infant of a dropped kerb. To be this inconsiderate is either stupid or just careless. Other people live In this area. Wheelchair access might swell be a thing of the past a-21 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE
 Report Completed
21/02/2025 23:06 We’ve investigated the situation. The case has been closed. There would appear to be no offence taking place that we can enforce against, but if you consider it a danger, please report the matter to the Police for investigation. Thank you for using Love Leicester.
Report Completed
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 Im getting rather fed up and frustrated, again and again without fail the same parking issues continues to occur without fail. It’s getting to the pinillear a struggle to walk between the car and the fence. There are multiple cars parked with all 4 wheel on the pavement. There are cars parked infant of driveway access clearly infant of a dropped kerb. To be this inconsiderate is either stupid or just careless. Other people live In this area. Wheelchair access might swell be a thing of the past -21 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE
 Report Completed
21/02/2025 23:05 We’ve investigated the situation. The case has been closed. There would appear to be no offence taking place that we can enforce against, but if you consider it a danger, please report the matter to the Police for investigation. Thank you for using Love Leicester.
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Im getting rather fed up and frustrated, again and again without fail the same parking issues continues to occur without fail. It’s getting to the pinillear a struggle to walk between the car and the fence. There are multiple cars parked with all 4 wheel on the pavement. There are cars parked infant of driveway access clearly infant of a dropped kerb. To be this inconsiderate is either stupid or just careless. Other people live In this area. Wheelchair access might swell be a thing of the past a-21 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE
 Report Completed
21/02/2025 23:03 We’ve investigated the situation. The case has been closed. There would appear to be no offence taking place that we can enforce against, but if you consider it a danger, please report the matter to the Police for investigation. Thank you for using Love Leicester.
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Im getting rather fed up and frustrated, again and again without fail the same parking issues continues to occur without fail. It’s getting to the pinillear a struggle to walk between the car and the fence. There are multiple cars parked with all 4 wheel on the pavement. There are cars parked infant of driveway access clearly infant of a dropped kerb. To be this inconsiderate is either stupid or just careless. Other people live In this area. Wheelchair access might swell be a thing of the past a-602 Gipsy Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TB
 Report Completed
21/02/2025 23:02 We’ve investigated the situation. The case has been closed. There would appear to be no offence taking place that we can enforce against, but if you consider it a danger, please report the matter to the Police for investigation. Thank you for using Love Leicester.
Report Completed
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Im getting rather fed up and frustrated, again and again without fail the same parking issues continues to occur without fail. It’s getting to the pint wear a struggle to walk between the car and the fence. There are multiple cars parked with all 4 wheel on the pavement. There are cars parked infant of driveway access clearly infant of a dropped kerb. To be this inconsiderate is either stupid or just careless. Other people live In this area. no wheelchairs or push chairs can go by, more pics wil-23 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE
 In Progress
21/02/2025 23:00 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Double yellow line parking, as is usual outside this garage!-45 Upperton Road, Leicester, LE3 0BH
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21/02/2025 22:21 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Same van that was parking on double yellows round the corner; decides to park in these double yellows instead!-82 Upperton Road, Leicester, LE3 0HD
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21/02/2025 22:20 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Vehicle parked on double yellow lines on match day.-24 Lambert Road, Leicester, LE3 2AG
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21/02/2025 20:22 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Parking on pavement on match day. Obstruction for pedestrians.-121 Hopefield Road, Leicester, LE3 2BL
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21/02/2025 20:16 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Parking on double yellow lines on match day-122 Hopefield Road, Leicester, LE3 2BL
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21/02/2025 20:14 Parking on double yellow lines on match day
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Parking on double yellow lines on match day-112 Mountcastle Road, Leicester, LE3 2BX
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21/02/2025 20:13 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Parking on double yellow lines on match day-46 Lambert Road, Leicester, LE3 2BN
 In Progress
21/02/2025 20:12 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Parking on double yellow lines on match day.-24 Lambert Road, Leicester, LE3 2AG
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21/02/2025 20:10 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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White van blocking my baby pram access, both wheels are across the driveway and onto the pavement. 

Also red Nissan always parked across dropped kerb onto pavement, causing obstruction to car leaving driveway . Both vehicles Risk to pram and wheelchair users.-42 Hampshire Road, Leicester, LE2 8HF
 In Progress
21/02/2025 18:26 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Car parked on double yellows causing obstruction-40 Vulcan Road, Leicester, LE5 3EE
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21/02/2025 18:21 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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I believe this is a recurring issue with illegal parking during Friday prayers around the junction between Ethel road and Evington Valley Road, where vehicles block the Pavement and pedestrian crossing by parking on double yellow lines. This creates a potential safety hazard for pedestrians. I kindly request that this be addressed to ensure safer conditions for everyone.-1 Ethel Road, Leicester, LE5 5NB
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21/02/2025 15:02 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
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Drain blocked with mud outside #27 Elston Fields. Lots of mud at the side of the road by the parked cars and tipper from #31 to #27 -27 Elston Fields, Leicester, LE2 6NH
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21/02/2025 14:21 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Clean Streets. You’re making a real difference.
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