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Near 3 Chartley Road, Leicester, LE3 1AB

Leicester - Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields Ward


Chartley Road has glass and needles around 4-10 Chartley Road. Smashed glass also next to garages near 3 Chartley Road


08/05/2024 13:04
Visible to public
Street cleaning
Closed We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
Yes On 09/05/2024 12:04
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This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible

Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.

-3 Chartley Road, Leicester, LE3 1AB 08/05/2024 15:57 This issue is being investigated and will be resolved as soon as possible Thank you for using Love Leicester. You’re making a real difference.
We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible.
Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.
-3 Chartley Road, Leicester, LE3 1AB 09/05/2024 12:03 We’re investigating this issue, and it will be resolved as soon as possible.
Thank you for using Love Leicester. Your reports are making a real difference.

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